Well, what a busy weekend it was for us. On Saturday, Nick had 3 birthday parties to go to. The first party was for his friend Ian. Ian was trurning 5! Ian had a great pirate party at the park. The boys had yummy hotdogs and Ian had an awesome pirate cake. There favorite part was playing on the huge tree covered playground with their starwars lifesavers. Nick told me after the party that "That Ian is a good man!" So, he must of had a great time!

The next party that day was in the afternoon for his friend Kolton who was turning 4. Kolton had a firetruck birthday party at the Corsicana waterpark. Nick had a good time playing in the water and squirting water guns!

The final birthday party was at Chick fil a. This was Thomas's 4th birthday also. Wow, what a live bunch showed up! They had soooo much fun on the playground and enjoyed yummy cake and icecream! Nick met a bunch of new friends and so did mommy!

The next day was Sunday and Daddy and the kids took Mommy out to A BIRTHDAY lunch and shopping to spend her birthday money! Mommy got some very pretty Brighton Jewlery, and a crystal browband for showing her horse Sam in. Mommy sure enjoyed blowing money on herself!

Monday, we went to the beach. It was a nice warm day and we headed to tge beach at Bardwell Lake. Gracie Kay is starting to really like the water. Nick, on the other hand was born to swim and loves to go to the lake.

By the end of the day, the outer rings of Gustav were starting to make its way to Ennis. Gustav had hit New Orleans where Uncle Dan and Aunt Julie live with Cousins Maddy and Mathew early that morning. So far the levies have kept up and we have no reports of major property damage, so we are still keeping our fingers crossed.